You can make life easy on yourself. But as I have been talking with my kids about their life after high school, life being easy on yourself, can leave you without ever having been yourself. I recall its a Seneca quote or another stoic, please forgive any inaccuracy, “Any human who does not wish to be part of the masses need only stop making things easy for himself(herself). Let him follow his conscience, which calls out to him ‘be yourself’!’ All that you are now doing, thinking, desiring, that is not you.” Sitting on the sidelines you will become that person at middle or even young age waiting for it all to be over. Or moving like a blind animal only toward satisfying something base, seeking money alone, recognition alone, or others approval uncombined with your strengths and your voice. There are only so many people in the world that work at loving life and striving to impact with their voice. The rest are some mix of predator or prey. SO we get to choose but understand that you are choosing.